أعلان الهيدر

الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2019

Oily skin care

Oily skin care

Oily skin

It is the skin that results from the increased secretion of fats and oils. It is believed that the secretion of fats protects and moisturizes the skin. It also keeps the hair more shiny and healthier, while the increase in these oils closes the pores of the skin, which leads to the appearance of acne.

The reasons that make the skin oily

  • Genetic factors

  • Hormonal changes

  • Stress and stress

How to care for oily skin:

First, clean oily skin:

This type of skin secretes a lot of oils and increases the possibility of pimples and pimples appearing on your face. Go to a face wash made of clay or coal, as they work to clean oily skin from the depths, and help absorb excess oils and purify pores.

Washing the face is the first step to skin care and the attention is paid when washing the face until it is daily with warm water of (2-3) with a medicated soap free of oils and fragrances intended for oily skin. The regular soap dries the skin strongly, which causes increased secretion of fats until the skin regains its moisture, so it is excessive in Producing oils that cause skin problems.
After washing, wash your face with cold water to close off the pores.
Close the pores and do not get them impurities again using rose water or a piece of ice, pass a cotton drenched with rose water on your skin or a piece of ice with water or rose water or lemon juice on your face and feel refreshed and clear with your skin.

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Second, moisturizing oily skin:

Moisturizing oily skin is necessary in the care of oily skin, contrary to what everyone thinks, that moisturizing oily skin is necessary after washing the face quickly.

Use a mild, oil-free, anti-shine moisturizing cream and rub your skin after washing your face and closing pores. So that the cream equals skin oil balance.
Make sure to moisturize oily skin daily before bed
And to moisturize the skin with natural materials can be through

Shea Butter for Moisturizing The unrefined raw shea butter contains vitamins A and E, minerals and essential fatty acids. Shea butter has been used since ancient times, because it contains properties such as moisturizing, preventing premature aging, and anti-inflammatory, in addition to its effectiveness in calming the skin from eczema and moisturizing the skin Dry with high efficiency, and you must make sure to use unrefined raw butter because it maintains its healing properties, while refined it loses those traits. The method is: a small piece of shea butter is taken, then placed on the palm of the hand until it melts and becomes anointable. Then apply on the face with a massage for a minute until it is completely absorbed, and it is advised to apply it daily before bed to benefit from it.

Olive oil contains many antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that are beneficial to your skin, in its use helps moisturize the face

Third, peeling oily skin:

Oily skin needs to exfoliate at least once a week, to get rid of impurities in the skin, exfoliation helps to clean oily skin deeply and clean pores and get rid of excess oils and black and white heads.

Use the scrub that suits your skin, massaging smoothly and in circular movements counter-clockwise for 7 minutes so that the circulation of your face moves to achieve a great result.
Gently wash the scrub off your face with a soft, clean towel (your own handkerchief can be used).
Natural scrubs can be made with

Sugar and olive oil This recipe is prepared by mixing half a cup of white or brown sugar, with half a cup of olive oil well, and the mixture is stored with a small jar, then a tablespoon of the mixture is used on the face during the shower with a facial massage and then washed as usual.
Sea salt, eggs and lemon juice mixed with egg whites, with two tablespoons of sea salt, and half a tablespoon of lemon juice, well then add honey, then put the mixture on the face and peel for 7 minutes, then wash the face and dry well, it is worth noting that the lemon Helps remove oils and blemishes from the skin as well as revitalize it.
Sugar and coconut oil Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil, two tablespoons of sugar, then mix well, then apply the resulting mixture on the face in circular motions for a minute, wash the face with warm water and dry well.
Fourth sunblock for oily skin:
Before leaving the house, apply sunscreen to protect your skin throughout the day.

To choose a suitable sunscreen:

Look for a sunscreen that has a light formula and dries quickly, consisting mainly of substances that are absorbed quickly by the skin, such as silica.
Avoid formula that is formulated with moisturizers such as vegetable oils and fatty acids that often lead to a shiny face.
Contains antioxidants that fight skin irritation. Medical research has shown that antioxidants work to improve the ability of sunscreens to protect your skin from UV rays.
Although the oily skin has many negative aspects, it is characterized by the absence of wrinkles on the face, and appears on the owners of young people and health, compared with other types, especially dry skin, it is one of the types that give the face vital, freshness and vigor.

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